House MS

Porto, Portugal

The restoration of this traditional dwelling, encompasses in the interior design project the awareness and respect for the existing history of the space. It was necessary to approach the area to intervene with the idea that the materials already present would be by themselves, the detail that would stand out the most, developing a study plan of pieces to be placed, which would have in comfort and simplicity, the necessary support to complement the space.

The result presents a rustic living room, but with contemporary traces, two concepts that came together perfectly in a unique final image.


We are always looking for interesting projects.

First of all, the designers had to re-plan the accommodation and dismantle several walls to visually expand the space of 343 square meters and let more natural light in. The entire area of ​​the apartment can be conditionally divided into two separate spaces: common areas and a master zone. In the first part, there is a combined kitchen and living room, which also consists of two sub-zones: a lounge area opposite the fireplace and an area for receiving guests.