Reasons to hire an Interior Designer


Filipa Namora, CEO

Filipa Namora, CEO


Do you have doubts about hiring an interior professional? I propose that you take a look at the reasons why this option is an astute and smart decision. Free yourself from the stress and amateurism of thinking you can do it all, and trust the person who is on hand to help you.
The first rule to understand is that this relationship between client and designer is supposed to be seen as a marriage. So transparency and sharing should be the watchwords. Each project is unique and so is each client!

One of the questions, which I usually ask in the first meeting, is how much the client is comfortable spending. This is the first step that determines and arrages the development of the process. It also sets limits, from materials to finishes. We all know that it is different to talk about the value of a table with a marble top than a wooden one. But this is only one of many examples. So the most important reasons to ask for help are:


Hiring a qualified and skilled professional is synonymous of having someone who will organize the whole space, in a better way and according to the real needs of a project. It is, without a doubt, a synonym for not making uncontrolled purchases without a previously studied need or intention. Mistakes are avoided and expenses are balanced, defining and identifying which elements require more and less investment.


Houses or apartments decorated with the help of a professional tend to increase in value. In other words, the amount spent on hiring a designer will certainly have a return when it comes time to resell or rent the property. So here we have the best of both worlds, a quick and better service that will attribute higher sales value.


When a client hires me, it is important for him to explain to me what he expects from each space; after all, he will have a team at his full and entire disposal to develop something specifically for him, according to his needs. The experienced eye of a professional is also a huge asset, in the sense of finding better solutions for his project and inherent needs. Believe me, a designer does much more than choose fabrics, furniture, and colors. He projects spaces and environments. He studies the best and most harmonious arrangement of furniture, as well as circulation spaces. Having tools such as 3Ds at hand, allows the client to have a total and immediate perception of the space. Thus, beautiful and functional environments are projected, which surely result in a more welcoming and comfortable exercise.


This always seems to be one of my clients’ biggest challenges. And the truth is that there are countless solutions to “enlarge” small spaces: from the use of mirrors, to glazing, or the selection of colors and lighting studies. Allied to this, without the guidance of a professional, a client’s tendency is to choose furniture that is sometimes too big, which surely results in future problems.


As a professional, a large part of my time is spent traveling and going to fairs or different cities, in order to learn about new stakes, challenges, trends, and solutions. And this is an advantage I have over the client. It allows me, almost always, to be able to show more and better solutions. In addition, there are resources available only to professionals that are not accessible to the public.

And so, there we are to innovate, cut through the clichés, and embrace and understand the individuality of each person and each space.

So, convinced? I hope so.

Have a good week.