To use or not to use wallpaper?


Filipa Namora, CEO

Filipa Namora, CEO

My best friend is called Wallpaper. The body that this material adds to environments is indescribable. Luxurious. Sophisticated. It’s life!

This could be one of the topics that a few years ago, I dared to say I would not write about, or, if I ever did, I would clearly not be in favor of using this material. To be honest, the idea I had about wallpaper was defined as a material that was too artificial, not being appropriate or able to add anything to an environment. As if that wasn’t enough, I also believed that after a while it would always end up boring me.

Fortunately “Life is a school, while we live, we learn! “… then one fine day I get a call from a client who tells me: “Filipa, are you okay? We have something to fix! The walls of our house are all crooked, the paint job didn’t go well, and the lighting brings out all the surface defects. We have to find a solution for this and we thought about putting wallpaper all over the house”. Well… I didn’t get an answer for a few seconds and ended up just saying “Ok, let’s do it! I’ll go pick out wallpapers right away, and I’ll give you signs of life in a minute! “. When I hung up the phone I still tried to find alternatives to the wallpaper, however, everything was already produced and packed to go into work. I went to a supplier and spent the rest of the day selecting wallpapers for an entire house.

Within the next few days, the paper was laid, and since then my view on this issue has changed! In fact, I dare say I started calling myself Filipa Namora Wallpaper. If I was not clear enough, I will try to express myself better! My best friend is called Wallpaper. The body that this material adds to environments is indescribable. Luxurious. Sophisticated. It is life! I know at this point you must be thinking I’m completely crazy, coating all my projects in wallpaper, and to be honest, I could just as easily do it as eat a bag of French fries right now, but the truth is I didn’t. I just realized the huge advantages associated with their use. Not only do they hide all the paint defects, which unfortunately are becoming more and more common, but they provide a room with enormous comfort and clearly create a distinct atmosphere. Nevertheless, they are super easy to put down, clean, do not absorb odors, and still last for a good few years (this part I remembered, since all I had to do was think of my grandparents’ house). And the variety of colors and textures is huge! Besides, it has another advantage that I personally value a lot: it is a good thermal and acoustic insulator.

When it comes to private homes, I still shy away from geometric or too strong patterns, I prefer to work with textures and play with shades that meet the project’s intention. However, when it comes to restaurants or hotels, since we are stimulating an experience, I don’t mind taking a risk.

So, if you were in doubt about using wallpaper in any space, I hope that after reading this article you will not think twice. Note: considering the space, if it is a place where you spend several days a week and especially many hours, my suggestion is to opt for more neutral colors, because this can influence your mood. I hope I’ve helped you!